What is BYOD?


BYOD - the new trend in IT! With the onset of work from home culture, more and more organisations are opting for BYOD. Cedar Software Technologies, premier Web Development Company in Kochi shares an overview on what is BYOD?

Bring your own device, or BYOD is an ongoing trend of employees using personal devices to connect to their organisational networks and access work-related systems as well as potentially sensitive or confidential data. 

Companies are implementing BYOD policies that allow people to use their own laptops, smartphones, and tablets for work-related purposes. An organisation that allows BYOD will develop a BYOD policy that tackles security concerns, the types of allowable devices and other important factors to consider. At times, the employer may require employees to install specific applications & security measures on devices used to access sensitive company data. 

Pros of a BYOD Policy

  • Savings
By going for a BYOD policy, the company won’t have to buy laptops for every employee. Apart from that, employees are more apt to take better care of their equipment as they own it. Usually, employees know that if the company equipment gets damaged, it will be replaced, but losing or damaging personal devices tends to be a much bigger deal for the employee.

  • Convenience 
Employees need not worry about taking care of and responding on two devices.

  • Employee preference 
Employees can happily use their preferred system or software and don't have to learn a new system. 

  • Efficiency
As employees already understand how to use their own electronic devices, they can start working for immediate productivity.

  • Up-to-date technology 
Updating equipment is a huge expense for any company. With BYOD, employees are often more inspired to pay to replace their personal phones or laptops with the latest available devices.

Cons of a BYOD Policy

  • More complex IT support systems:
When every employee is using standardised computers, tablets, and phones, it's easier for the IT department to support and fix the devices. But with BYOD, it can become much more complex to keep the electronics functioning. The challenges faced are: if you need to install custom software, will it work on everyone's devices? What if all employees are not willing to update their devices? 

  • Higher security risks
With BYOD in practice, it’s not easy to make rules about how employees should use company devices and also to ensure that your company information is kept secure. When employees leave the company, any confidential information should be removed from the employee device without removing their personal information. 

  • Loss of privacy
Before an employee agrees to BYOD, determine how you'll secure your company's confidential information on the device or you'll have problems when an employee leaves in the future.

A BYOD policy may be a good choice for smaller companies, but it's not wise to make the choice based purely on the convenience and cost factors. BYOD impacts companies in terms of privacy, safeguarding company data, security, and IT support. Contact us at Cedar, the best Web Design Company in Kochi to know more.


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